Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1st - a recap of September

I just can't believe it's October already!

Another green smiley today. In September she got 19 greens and 1 yellow. Not too bad!

I love that her teacher is so tech savvy and doing so much in the way of electronic updates. They regularly take and upload pictures and videos of class time, which is a pretty new experience for me. 4 of my kids are either through school or in Middle/High school, and I've never had such an interactive, nearly real time, update system. I wish every teacher used their Moodle pages so effectively!

(if they did, I'd likely be having fewer problems with Brendon right now...)

Anyway, the poem this week was ingrained in her brain 2 weeks before it was supposed to be, her new sight words are committed to memory quite nicely. She has mastered the art of counting to 25 (actually 29, but who's counting? lol) She can also go across the monkey bars, hang upside down, slide down the fireman's pole, skip (which she seriously couldn't do before she started school), say the days of the week, recognize her color words, plus about 10 other words on sight, and she can, and does, spend a lot of time writing/sounding out words with her dry erase board, and mounds of paper. I'm pretty impressed with how well she usually does with sounding out words and writing them. Not perfect, but good.

She still has issues with W/M and d/b, and often confuses them. She also still has trouble with the W and Y and H sounds. But all in all, after 20 days in Kindergarten, I'm pretty happy with her academic progress as well as her social skills, and motor skills too.


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