Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Monday

New words!
Mom, Dad, & love. No idea why we had 3 words one week, 10 next (which we studied for 2 weeks) then 3 this week... But it's cool, so far, she knows them all :)
New oem!
Well, actually, this weeks poem is the one that they originally had last week, before they switched 'em up. She knows it by heart from last week already lol.

Green Smiley today, and the joy of knowing that one of her classmates just returned from an extended absence due to the Swine Flu. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not overly concerned about H1N1 vs the regular seasonal flu (which we never get innoculated for), and I'm not all in a tizzy and planning on boiling my kid. What I am worried about is that the schools and people in general ARE flipping out thanks to the media hype, and lord only knows what new measures they'll put in place now that there's a confirmedcase.I will not be surprised to find out our childen will have to be sent to school in full bio hazard suits - or, I dunno, ziploc baggies.

Best I can tell, her biggest accomplishment (as far as she's concerned anyway) is that today, she overcame her fear of the monkey bars - and even hung upside down on them, all by herself! 

So, this afternoon she came home, played a bit, got ticked off, threw a fit, and got sent to her room, where she fell asleep, and slept till 8pm. She woke up coughing again, coughing till she gags and pukes. It comes and goes, no other symptoms, no fever... we'll see if she'll be going to school in the morning. Between the coughing/gagging, and the fact that she's going to be up till freakin 3 in the morning...

I still haven't heard anything about the volunteering. Guess I'll call in the morning. Or should I just be patient? I dunno, I've never volunteered in the school before...


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