Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Henry, Mudge, and Homework

The teacher wants Terra to do one activity from her homework every night. Terra wants to do 3 or 4. I let her. She particularly loves the "Letter Detective" where she's given a letter, and she goes around the house and finds things that start with that letter. The way it's set up, she doesn't have to "turn in" anything to prove that she's done it, but I let her make an actual list, because she gets to practice her letters, and it gives me the opportunity to explain the intricacies of letter combinations, silent e's and such.

She's already done 7 of the activities in the last 2 nights since she got the worksheet. I do believe we'll still be having some "wing it" nights because we're going to run out of things to do.

She came home with a new book from the media center today, Henry and Mudge: The First Book. We've read it 4 times tonight. Cute cute book, which she loves. Word to the wise: if your child has been begging for a dog, do not read Henry and Mudge. It will only be used as ammunition against you in their quest for a pet. Luckily, we already have 3 dogs!

They no longer have nap/rest period in class, so she's coming home exhausted, and in need of a nap. We have yet to work out a really good afternoon schedule. To nap or not to nap... both come with pros and cons. With a nap, she sleeps till she's ready to get up because there's no getting her up till she's ready. Then the whole afternoon is shot, no time for homework, playing, dinner, bath etc... and then she's up till 10:30 or 11 at night, which makes the next day terrible. If she doesn't take a nap, she's happy to do homework, but she's also demanding, over-tired/over-stimulated, grumpy, gets in trouble and then passes out at 7 or 8, often in a random place, fully dressed, sans a bath.We'll adjust and get it all worked out I'm sure, but for now, I'm a little stumped.

Alright, back to today's class.
She got a green smiley, and 2 prizes out of the prize box. One of them was a very nifty little journal. A Strawberry Shortcake journal. Man was she psyched about that one. The other was a sticker, which she stuck in the front of the journal. And that's pretty much all she told me about class. It's odd, she has this perfect memory for class poems and sight words, but when she gets home and I ask her what she did that day, about 50% of the time, she says she can't remember! Haha, I think she just doesn't want to bother with telling me everything. Most days, she fills me in over the afternoon/evening, bit by bit. Today though, we had a busy crazy night and she didn't really have a chance to tell me anything.

But, tomorrow is another day, right? :-)


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