Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch! (Not)

Well Terra's class was supposed to go to the pumpkin patch today, but it rained them out. Now it's been postponed till next week - AFTER Halloween. On one hand I'm (a little selfishly) upset - I mean what's the point in picking out a pumpkin after Halloween? But on the other hand, she's still so excited about going, and I know she'll enjoy it, even if it's not till December. It *is* her first field trip after all! And of course we can use her pumpkin to decorate for Thanksgiving, or better yet, make a pie out of it for Thanksgiving!

We have new sight words this week: can, is, & it. Let me say again, I am continually amazed by how fast she is picking up all of her words, and how hard she works at implementing them into activities like writing stories.

Another green smiley today. Again, for a child who doesn't always listen very well at home, and who chatters incessantly, the fact that she behaves so well in class is a very happy surprise/relief. It makes me proud, because it demonstrates that she understands the differences in what behavior is acceptable in different places. It also proves to me that she's sometimes difficult at home simply because *I let her get away with it!*


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