Monday, October 12, 2009

Parent Teacher Conference (in lieu of 1st report card)

Bright and early this morning, we went to the school to talk with Terra's teacher about her progress so far. We don't actually get a report card the first grading period - this conference IS her report card. I was pretty excited going in, I wanted to hear if she was doing as well as she seemed to be, based on a long line of green smilies and 'good job' stickers.

Well, Ms. M. could have gushed a little more without hurting my feelings, but that's ok LOL. She's on level, or ahead, in pretty much every subject area. Ms. M and Mrs. L both assured me that she's slid effortlessly into the social scene, and is academically right where she should be. I got to look at her evaluation testing, and on most things, she was ahead of average, but not so much as to cause issues for her.

The most surprising news we heard while we were there: Terra does NOT talk incessantly while in class. Amazing. The coolest thing I heard today: "We can tell you work with her at home, and Terra is very proud of the fact that she has a word wall at home!"

Good stuff, I'm proud of her. She's a good student, she's attentive, curious, respectful, gets along well with other students and teachers, listens well to her lessons, and to the rules. She's learning quickly and the teachers pointed out no subject area that she's struggling in - so we'll keep doing what we're doing, cuz it's working!


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