Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Another Wednesday

Well, today Terra came home not feeling well. She's been coughing, congested, having a tough time breathing through her nose. Thankfully she has no fever, but I won't be surprised if she doesn't go to school tomorrow (Thursday). She's vaguely anti-meds (we almost have to sit on her to get to hold still long enough to take any kind of medicine) - she seems to prefer suffering. Wonder where she get's that from!?

I washed and returned her spare outfit this morning. It was still in her book bag when she got home? I guess that big bag full of clothing in her tiny little book bag was easy to miss. She also forgot her library book, and wouldn't you know it, it was Media Center day. *sigh* She came home angry that she didn't get to bring home a new book, said it was our fault. I made sure to straighten her out and remind her that her library book is actually her responsibility!

Ah well, some days are better than others, right? I can't complain, she still got a green smiley, brought home a ton of pictures and worksheets she'd done, was in a great mood despite being sick...


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