Monday, October 5, 2009


Terra's teacher was "missing" again today, and for some reason Terra thinks she's in Boston, seeing some football game? I'm not a sports fan, no idea if there even is/was a game in Boston, but there's got to be some reason Terra thinks that. Regardless, I'm a little concerned, school has been in session for a month, and her teacher has been out at least 3 times. I can't help but believe that it's effecting the class' educational experience, since a substitute teacher doesn't know/follow the regular schedule. At this age, I think having a structured environment is beneficial. If my 6yo is coming home and telling me that, "we didn't do centers" or "we didn't do calendar/story/math/whatever time," then obviously, she's bothered by it, and I'm sure she isn't the only one. I'm all for staying home if you're sick, or going to doctor's appointments. But missing school/work for a ball game?

(a bit of looking, and it seems the Pats played the Ravens at Gillette Stadium, so I suppose Terra may be exactly right...)


Terra got new words: Do, Like, & You. We made some new flash cards and went through all her sight/dolch words, days of the week, practiced writing letters, and numbers, and worked on some addition and subtraction. The crazy part? It was ALL HER IDEA. She did practice work, homework, and asked me to "be her tutor" and worked almost from the time she came home until she went to bed. I am so proud of her. My insatiable little sponge. And yet, I have to admit, I was a little relieved when she fell asleep. We literally did school work for nearly 5 hours after she came home today!

Her new poem kicked in today. But I'm not sure what it is. We looked at the website- it hasn't been updated. We received a print out with all 4 of the October poems, but there's no indication of which is which, and when I went by what seemed to be the next one, Terra said they'd done a different one in class. I'm more than happy to work with her on stuff at home, but it's a little difficult when I can't be sure of what they're doing because things aren't updated (because the teacher is too busy with NFL to worry about keeping the students and parents  informed and on schedule).

I also haven't heard back from either of her teachers about when our parent teacher conference will be - I assume that's because her teacher isn't available. I also assume that it isn't tomorrow, which was one of the 3 dates I chose as options. I better not get a call tomorrow that she wants me there at a moment's notice.

Truthfully, I'm not sure what they *did* do in class today. But by gosh, we did a full days worth of work at home - all subjects even! It was another green smiley day, she got off the bus "reading" 'The Topsey-Turvies' which isn't my favorite book, but does seem to be hers, which is more important. It keeps her engaged and interested, so that's what counts.

I also found some new web links that are educational that Terra loved, I'll add them to the link list in the right sidebar. They're mostly pre-K level, like Sesame Street, but they were great for reinforcing number and letter recognition, counting, mentally connecting the capital and lower case letters, etc...


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