Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hmmm... that's odd

Terra came home in her "back up" outfit today. She wet her pants!? Ms. M said it happened during their math lesson, and they think she was afraid to interrupt to ask to go to the little girl's room. They reassured her that it was ok to go potty ANY time, so here's to hoping that doesn't happen again, I know she was embarrassed to have a potty accident in front of all of her friends.

Other than that, she had a good day complete with her green smiley -- and another announcement about school night at a local restaurant. *sigh* I wish I could afford to go to every one of these fund raising nights, but seriously, we can't afford to go to any of them. Maybe that will change soon, now that I've gone back to work. Working has definitely added a new element to the afternoon adventure. Of course, I feel like a crappy parent on days when I work, because I'm not available so much to do homework, make dinner or give baths... My rational side knows her dad is here, and is perfectly capable, but I can't help it! I feel like she's changing and maturing and growing so quickly that every minute I'm at work is time I'm missing out on with her.

I admit it, I have a different and deeper sense of appreciation of her than I did when the other kids were in Kindergarten. It makes me glad that I appreciate her, and yet, on the other hand, it makes me sad that I was so busy, working so much, and was so young and unappreciative with the other children.


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