Friday, October 2, 2009

Another week done

Another week done - and done an hour early. I had to pick her up early today because of another Teacher Conference with Bren's teachers today. Ooh it makes her grumpy when she has to leave early. Especially on Fridays. Fridays are treat box day - if you have an all-green week (which she did) you get a treat, and she had to leave before getting hers today. And, I had the audacity to interrupt her book-buddy time. This child LOVES books, loves being read to, and loves reading them to me (of course, she isn't really reading so much as telling the story by memory) and I love that she loves books. I hope she turns into an avid reader like Tommy and Brendon. Reading is so much the foundation for all other subjects, and children who love to read are more likely to do well in school.

Anyway, trust me when I tell you we regretted having to pick her up early, we paid for it: she talked & griped the entire time we were trying to have a conversation with 2 of Bren's teachers and his guidance counselors. I was wishing I had duct tape :)

They had a soccer camp today at her school and Terra hit the car this afternoon begging to be signed up for soccer. Now she wants to join ballet, the girl scouts, horseback riding lessons, soccer, cheerleading, and karate... Have I mentioned I don't really have a job? Anyone wanna "adopt a student" who wants to be in everything?

So, yep, 5 green smilies this week, poem and words memorized, all in all another great week. I have to send in my paperwork for the required Kindy parent teacher conference so we can get her report card in a week. I'm pretty excited to hear what her teacher has to say about her and her work.

I also talked to the office about the volunteer paperwork. They only just turned in all the paperwork, and it will likely be a couple more weeks before we know anything about what I get approved to do. It's probably best that it has taken a while. I'd have been one of those pain in the ass control-freak helicopter moms who would have driven the teachers nuts and probably inhibited Terra's progress. Yep, I'm that Mom, LOL!


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