Thursday, October 29, 2009

Absence #2

I swear Terra hasn't been totally well since she started school - she's had this cough she just can't quite get rid of. She hasn't run a fever since the night before her first absence, but she hasn't been well either. The last couple of days she's had a head cold. Last night it moved into her eyes, which are now swollen and gunky - and the cough is back, again. We kept her home today. She was less than thrilled to hear that she wasn't going to school this morning. Now she's having fun using Daddy's computer to play silly games, and I'm off to work. Hope she feels better tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Activities

Here are some photos from their pumpkin activities the other day. They estimatedthe weights of4 different pumpkins of various sizes, predicted whether they would sink or float, and then got to all take turns ripping the guts out of the largest of the pumpkins. I really wish I could share more pics, but I won't share pics with other people's children in them...
is it just me or does she look a lil Punkin Drunk in this pic?
Forgive/overlook the terribly chapped upper lip that she won't stop licking!

In this pic she's recording her findings and making a little book out of the things she learned. So cute to see pictures of her writing like this, seems so grown up.

Had to blur a kid or two out of this pic :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch! (Not)

Well Terra's class was supposed to go to the pumpkin patch today, but it rained them out. Now it's been postponed till next week - AFTER Halloween. On one hand I'm (a little selfishly) upset - I mean what's the point in picking out a pumpkin after Halloween? But on the other hand, she's still so excited about going, and I know she'll enjoy it, even if it's not till December. It *is* her first field trip after all! And of course we can use her pumpkin to decorate for Thanksgiving, or better yet, make a pie out of it for Thanksgiving!

We have new sight words this week: can, is, & it. Let me say again, I am continually amazed by how fast she is picking up all of her words, and how hard she works at implementing them into activities like writing stories.

Another green smiley today. Again, for a child who doesn't always listen very well at home, and who chatters incessantly, the fact that she behaves so well in class is a very happy surprise/relief. It makes me proud, because it demonstrates that she understands the differences in what behavior is acceptable in different places. It also proves to me that she's sometimes difficult at home simply because *I let her get away with it!*

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thursday and Friday - it's a two-fer, 2 days late!

Boy is life with 2 jobs ad three kids busy! I'm thinking maybe weekly blogging will be more manageable, because daily blogging isn't working out so well.

Both days were green smiley days. On Wednesday Terra forgot to take her library book to school for library day, so on Thursday she got to go get a new book - a Junie B Jones chapter book, which she insists we read one chapter of each day. She's just so dedicated to school work and learning, so thirsty for knowledge, so proud of herself for every thing she learns and can share with us. It's just incredible. I hope this is her attitude towards school for the next 13 years. If it is, she'll have no trouble with her future!

On Thursday afternoon, along with her new book, she brought home a note from her teacher requesting that she bring a towel or blanket and her favorite stuffed animal. The class has been collecting gum balls for their class gumball machine - when the machine was full, the class would get a special prize. They filled it up this week and they got to have a picnic with a special snack. Terra was so excited!

Friday morning she took her stuffed poodle and her favorite blanket to school. It was overcast and there was a 60% chance of rain. Scott and I obsessed a bit about the possibility that it would rain out their picnic. She lucked out - it cleared up and the sun came out and they ate cookies in the school yard with their stuffed animals. She came home and yelled at me for not packing a snack. A.) I actually DID pack her a snack, but accidentally put it in her lunch box. B.) She didn't need a snack, the teachers provided the "special" snack they all had. But she was soooo upset with me for not packing her a snack!

I'm feeling a little out of whack - working every week night has me struggling to get time in every evening to practice her poems and sight words with her. I do not want my situation to effect her school performance, and I'm really concerned that it will over time...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Another Wednesday

Well, today Terra came home not feeling well. She's been coughing, congested, having a tough time breathing through her nose. Thankfully she has no fever, but I won't be surprised if she doesn't go to school tomorrow (Thursday). She's vaguely anti-meds (we almost have to sit on her to get to hold still long enough to take any kind of medicine) - she seems to prefer suffering. Wonder where she get's that from!?

I washed and returned her spare outfit this morning. It was still in her book bag when she got home? I guess that big bag full of clothing in her tiny little book bag was easy to miss. She also forgot her library book, and wouldn't you know it, it was Media Center day. *sigh* She came home angry that she didn't get to bring home a new book, said it was our fault. I made sure to straighten her out and remind her that her library book is actually her responsibility!

Ah well, some days are better than others, right? I can't complain, she still got a green smiley, brought home a ton of pictures and worksheets she'd done, was in a great mood despite being sick...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hmmm... that's odd

Terra came home in her "back up" outfit today. She wet her pants!? Ms. M said it happened during their math lesson, and they think she was afraid to interrupt to ask to go to the little girl's room. They reassured her that it was ok to go potty ANY time, so here's to hoping that doesn't happen again, I know she was embarrassed to have a potty accident in front of all of her friends.

Other than that, she had a good day complete with her green smiley -- and another announcement about school night at a local restaurant. *sigh* I wish I could afford to go to every one of these fund raising nights, but seriously, we can't afford to go to any of them. Maybe that will change soon, now that I've gone back to work. Working has definitely added a new element to the afternoon adventure. Of course, I feel like a crappy parent on days when I work, because I'm not available so much to do homework, make dinner or give baths... My rational side knows her dad is here, and is perfectly capable, but I can't help it! I feel like she's changing and maturing and growing so quickly that every minute I'm at work is time I'm missing out on with her.

I admit it, I have a different and deeper sense of appreciation of her than I did when the other kids were in Kindergarten. It makes me glad that I appreciate her, and yet, on the other hand, it makes me sad that I was so busy, working so much, and was so young and unappreciative with the other children.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mom and Terra go to the jungle...

Part of our afternoon routine is to work with Terra with her sight words. She gets new words each Monday, today we added 'at, am, & see' and so we were working on them this afternoon. As we were were working our way through the stack of flash cards, she'd come up with a sentence with each word - unprompted.

This is a new thing, which progressed into wanting to make sentences with the actual cards. That's an adventure because the list of sight words is still pretty short, especially the nouns. So we made up a few new cards and commenced to sentence building. She actually ended up writing her own little story, which is pretty cool: I see Mom and Terra at the jungle. We see a gorilla. We love it. Three sentences is all they ask of them in Kindergarten, and not until later in the year :) My lil smarty pants!

She also got her new poem:

Five Little Apples
Five little apples lying on the floor.
I'll roll one away, and that leaves four.
Four little apples hanging on a tree,
I'll pick one off, and that leaves three.
Three little apples, I know what to do!
I'll put one in my pocket and that leaves two.
Two little apples sitting in the sun.
I'll pick one up, and that leaves one.
One little apple waiting in my lunch.
I'll eat it up with a

This one is pretty intricate, and she is going to need a couple of days to work on it, but she's getting it. 

We didn't have anything to make her lunch out of this morning, so she left mad, then we realized we forgot to even send her a snack! This morning was not one of our finest shining moments lol. She survived, ate lunch at school, and was subjected to the horrors of having to eat Goldfish for snack (egads!) but we made sure to go grocery shopping and stockpile lunch supplies and snacks. Here's to hoping that Tuesday is a better day, complete with a turkey sandwich and her applesauce. (Have I mentioned she's a little finicky about what she eats?)

She got her customary green smiley, but didn't tell me a lot of details about her day - not a lot of time to though, because I had to leave (suddenly and unexpectedly) for work at 5. We're going to have to get this schedule thing worked out!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Parent Teacher Conference (in lieu of 1st report card)

Bright and early this morning, we went to the school to talk with Terra's teacher about her progress so far. We don't actually get a report card the first grading period - this conference IS her report card. I was pretty excited going in, I wanted to hear if she was doing as well as she seemed to be, based on a long line of green smilies and 'good job' stickers.

Well, Ms. M. could have gushed a little more without hurting my feelings, but that's ok LOL. She's on level, or ahead, in pretty much every subject area. Ms. M and Mrs. L both assured me that she's slid effortlessly into the social scene, and is academically right where she should be. I got to look at her evaluation testing, and on most things, she was ahead of average, but not so much as to cause issues for her.

The most surprising news we heard while we were there: Terra does NOT talk incessantly while in class. Amazing. The coolest thing I heard today: "We can tell you work with her at home, and Terra is very proud of the fact that she has a word wall at home!"

Good stuff, I'm proud of her. She's a good student, she's attentive, curious, respectful, gets along well with other students and teachers, listens well to her lessons, and to the rules. She's learning quickly and the teachers pointed out no subject area that she's struggling in - so we'll keep doing what we're doing, cuz it's working!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Thursday and Friday were green smiley days, with little else to report.

Thursday was School Night at Kate's Skating Rink... the school gets a percentage of sales, so they obviously encourage parents to take their children. They do so by convincing the whole class that they, and all their awesome little friends, will get to go to [enter business name here] together and play and have a wonderful time.

Frankly, it pisses me off. I understand it's much needed income for the school, but it's unfair to spend so much time getting my child's (and everyone else's) hopes up about going skating, eating ice cream, or pizza, or going ice skating, or whatever other activity it is that week.We're barely scraping by, we're barely keeping the power on and keeping the rent paid, we can't afford to do some weekly thing that costs us a fortune - we have a family of 5, do the math ok?


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Henry, Mudge, and Homework

The teacher wants Terra to do one activity from her homework every night. Terra wants to do 3 or 4. I let her. She particularly loves the "Letter Detective" where she's given a letter, and she goes around the house and finds things that start with that letter. The way it's set up, she doesn't have to "turn in" anything to prove that she's done it, but I let her make an actual list, because she gets to practice her letters, and it gives me the opportunity to explain the intricacies of letter combinations, silent e's and such.

She's already done 7 of the activities in the last 2 nights since she got the worksheet. I do believe we'll still be having some "wing it" nights because we're going to run out of things to do.

She came home with a new book from the media center today, Henry and Mudge: The First Book. We've read it 4 times tonight. Cute cute book, which she loves. Word to the wise: if your child has been begging for a dog, do not read Henry and Mudge. It will only be used as ammunition against you in their quest for a pet. Luckily, we already have 3 dogs!

They no longer have nap/rest period in class, so she's coming home exhausted, and in need of a nap. We have yet to work out a really good afternoon schedule. To nap or not to nap... both come with pros and cons. With a nap, she sleeps till she's ready to get up because there's no getting her up till she's ready. Then the whole afternoon is shot, no time for homework, playing, dinner, bath etc... and then she's up till 10:30 or 11 at night, which makes the next day terrible. If she doesn't take a nap, she's happy to do homework, but she's also demanding, over-tired/over-stimulated, grumpy, gets in trouble and then passes out at 7 or 8, often in a random place, fully dressed, sans a bath.We'll adjust and get it all worked out I'm sure, but for now, I'm a little stumped.

Alright, back to today's class.
She got a green smiley, and 2 prizes out of the prize box. One of them was a very nifty little journal. A Strawberry Shortcake journal. Man was she psyched about that one. The other was a sticker, which she stuck in the front of the journal. And that's pretty much all she told me about class. It's odd, she has this perfect memory for class poems and sight words, but when she gets home and I ask her what she did that day, about 50% of the time, she says she can't remember! Haha, I think she just doesn't want to bother with telling me everything. Most days, she fills me in over the afternoon/evening, bit by bit. Today though, we had a busy crazy night and she didn't really have a chance to tell me anything.

But, tomorrow is another day, right? :-)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

what's with the chicken soup poems?

Terra got this in the mail today.

Dear Terra,
We always love seeing your smiling face every morning. You are doing a great job learning our classroom rules and routines! Keep up the great work!
♥ Miss M & Mrs. L
Needless to say, in accordance with the above notation re: rules and routines, she got another green smiley. Still no word on volunteering, except that I'm not one of the three room moms, which is probably for the best. They're responsible for coordinating holiday parties, which I suck at. We also still don't know when her parent teacher conference is. 

We did find out for sure what her new poem is: 


In October I'll be host
To witches, goblins,
and a ghost.
I'll serve them chicken
soup on toast.

Whoopy once
whoopy twice
whoopy chicken soup with rice.

We got her official copy of the homework for the month of October. Fun :) No, that isn't sarcasm, she loves studying and doing "school" when she gets home in the evenings, and it's nice to actually have a print out of good suggestions to go by rather than her just winging it and making things up.

And can I just say... my absolute favorite part of the day is watching my big girl hop off the bus every afternoon, and run across the yard with a great big smile. I'm so proud of her!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Terra's teacher was "missing" again today, and for some reason Terra thinks she's in Boston, seeing some football game? I'm not a sports fan, no idea if there even is/was a game in Boston, but there's got to be some reason Terra thinks that. Regardless, I'm a little concerned, school has been in session for a month, and her teacher has been out at least 3 times. I can't help but believe that it's effecting the class' educational experience, since a substitute teacher doesn't know/follow the regular schedule. At this age, I think having a structured environment is beneficial. If my 6yo is coming home and telling me that, "we didn't do centers" or "we didn't do calendar/story/math/whatever time," then obviously, she's bothered by it, and I'm sure she isn't the only one. I'm all for staying home if you're sick, or going to doctor's appointments. But missing school/work for a ball game?

(a bit of looking, and it seems the Pats played the Ravens at Gillette Stadium, so I suppose Terra may be exactly right...)


Terra got new words: Do, Like, & You. We made some new flash cards and went through all her sight/dolch words, days of the week, practiced writing letters, and numbers, and worked on some addition and subtraction. The crazy part? It was ALL HER IDEA. She did practice work, homework, and asked me to "be her tutor" and worked almost from the time she came home until she went to bed. I am so proud of her. My insatiable little sponge. And yet, I have to admit, I was a little relieved when she fell asleep. We literally did school work for nearly 5 hours after she came home today!

Her new poem kicked in today. But I'm not sure what it is. We looked at the website- it hasn't been updated. We received a print out with all 4 of the October poems, but there's no indication of which is which, and when I went by what seemed to be the next one, Terra said they'd done a different one in class. I'm more than happy to work with her on stuff at home, but it's a little difficult when I can't be sure of what they're doing because things aren't updated (because the teacher is too busy with NFL to worry about keeping the students and parents  informed and on schedule).

I also haven't heard back from either of her teachers about when our parent teacher conference will be - I assume that's because her teacher isn't available. I also assume that it isn't tomorrow, which was one of the 3 dates I chose as options. I better not get a call tomorrow that she wants me there at a moment's notice.

Truthfully, I'm not sure what they *did* do in class today. But by gosh, we did a full days worth of work at home - all subjects even! It was another green smiley day, she got off the bus "reading" 'The Topsey-Turvies' which isn't my favorite book, but does seem to be hers, which is more important. It keeps her engaged and interested, so that's what counts.

I also found some new web links that are educational that Terra loved, I'll add them to the link list in the right sidebar. They're mostly pre-K level, like Sesame Street, but they were great for reinforcing number and letter recognition, counting, mentally connecting the capital and lower case letters, etc...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Another week done

Another week done - and done an hour early. I had to pick her up early today because of another Teacher Conference with Bren's teachers today. Ooh it makes her grumpy when she has to leave early. Especially on Fridays. Fridays are treat box day - if you have an all-green week (which she did) you get a treat, and she had to leave before getting hers today. And, I had the audacity to interrupt her book-buddy time. This child LOVES books, loves being read to, and loves reading them to me (of course, she isn't really reading so much as telling the story by memory) and I love that she loves books. I hope she turns into an avid reader like Tommy and Brendon. Reading is so much the foundation for all other subjects, and children who love to read are more likely to do well in school.

Anyway, trust me when I tell you we regretted having to pick her up early, we paid for it: she talked & griped the entire time we were trying to have a conversation with 2 of Bren's teachers and his guidance counselors. I was wishing I had duct tape :)

They had a soccer camp today at her school and Terra hit the car this afternoon begging to be signed up for soccer. Now she wants to join ballet, the girl scouts, horseback riding lessons, soccer, cheerleading, and karate... Have I mentioned I don't really have a job? Anyone wanna "adopt a student" who wants to be in everything?

So, yep, 5 green smilies this week, poem and words memorized, all in all another great week. I have to send in my paperwork for the required Kindy parent teacher conference so we can get her report card in a week. I'm pretty excited to hear what her teacher has to say about her and her work.

I also talked to the office about the volunteer paperwork. They only just turned in all the paperwork, and it will likely be a couple more weeks before we know anything about what I get approved to do. It's probably best that it has taken a while. I'd have been one of those pain in the ass control-freak helicopter moms who would have driven the teachers nuts and probably inhibited Terra's progress. Yep, I'm that Mom, LOL!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1st - a recap of September

I just can't believe it's October already!

Another green smiley today. In September she got 19 greens and 1 yellow. Not too bad!

I love that her teacher is so tech savvy and doing so much in the way of electronic updates. They regularly take and upload pictures and videos of class time, which is a pretty new experience for me. 4 of my kids are either through school or in Middle/High school, and I've never had such an interactive, nearly real time, update system. I wish every teacher used their Moodle pages so effectively!

(if they did, I'd likely be having fewer problems with Brendon right now...)

Anyway, the poem this week was ingrained in her brain 2 weeks before it was supposed to be, her new sight words are committed to memory quite nicely. She has mastered the art of counting to 25 (actually 29, but who's counting? lol) She can also go across the monkey bars, hang upside down, slide down the fireman's pole, skip (which she seriously couldn't do before she started school), say the days of the week, recognize her color words, plus about 10 other words on sight, and she can, and does, spend a lot of time writing/sounding out words with her dry erase board, and mounds of paper. I'm pretty impressed with how well she usually does with sounding out words and writing them. Not perfect, but good.

She still has issues with W/M and d/b, and often confuses them. She also still has trouble with the W and Y and H sounds. But all in all, after 20 days in Kindergarten, I'm pretty happy with her academic progress as well as her social skills, and motor skills too.