Thursday, September 17, 2009

Our First Yellow Smiley

Well I guess I jinxed her with my post yesterday. Today she got her first yellow smiley - big surprise, she got it for talking when she was supposed to be NOT talking. I'm a little surprised that hasn't been an issue before, she does love to talk.

So she got off the bus and came across the yard, and she whispered in my ear, "Mommy, please don'tbe mad, I accidentally got a yellow smiley..." and started crying. Poor kid, she was more upset than I was about it. I mean, don't get me wrong, disobeying the teacher (who had warned her several times) is unacceptable - but she was so sorry, I feel like it made a deep enough impression on her that she didn't need me to yell at her. We talked about it, and she knows it wasn't ok. If it becomes a habit, I'll be harsher, but today, I was just glad to see that she took it seriously and understood that yellow smilies are not ok. And, a little bit of me is glad that her first yellow wasn't for shoving someone down on the playground, ya know?

So she's really getting the color words down pretty well, but I think we'll have to keep working on them for a while. She has trouble with black and gray especially. She did decide we were ALL playing school this evening though and sang the days of the week, and the cutest darn weather song ever! And boy was she a strict teacher! She made me sit criss cross apple sauce on the carpet for a long time, and when I straightened out my legs, she threatened me with a BLUE smiley, which is as bad as it gets. Whew, she's tough!

We're working pretty heavily on getting her to write her last name, and to control the size of her printing, in hopes that she will soon be able to write her name well enough on the application at the library, and get her very own library card. We'll see how long that takes, she really has a hard time controling the size of her letters so, we'll see.


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