Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Monday!

New poem - mostly memorized. New word list: her color words! Three words last week, 10 this week! Awesome! I've decided she, like me, is going to have a fairly easy time with language and reading. I want to work more on math, it seems that Ms Mullins isn't doing quite as much math as reading/writing.

Of course, I forget that they consider learning the days of the week, and the months of the year as math work.

We picked her up early today because we had a teacher conference with Brendon's teachers. We didn't think we'd be home in time to be here when she got home, so hedged on the side of safety, and she was less than thrilled that we interrupted her snack time, and deprived her of a bus ride. She's so funny. So dang independent all of a sudden!


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