Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mommy has a Migraine

This morning at 5am, Terra's big brother Tyler, her daddy's oldest son, arrived from NY. He'll be living with us, and I can't tell you how excited we all are! He arrived before Terra left for school, but she's like me, not all that coherent in the early morning hours, so when she got off the bus, she asked Scott, "Was I daydreaming about Tyler being here?"

Of course, Scott couldn't pass up the opportunity to tease her and said yes. She was heart broken! Thank goodness he told her the truth quickly, or she'd have gone into full meltdown mode, and that doesn't happen often with Terra.

She got a green smiley again today, I'm so proud of her continued good behavior!

I have GOT TO remember to send her extra clothes (in case of any accidents or spills) tomorrow, but I've got a migraine, complete with the nausea, so it's going to have to wait until later. I just don't have it in me right now. She doesn't have a lot of extra clothes that fit her, so it's no fun trying to figure out what outfit to leave there, that basically, she'll never wear again. *sigh* I really wish we had more money so I could buy her more clothes, and put her in girl scouts and other extracurricular activities.

She did a really good job recognizing her color words this afternoon, and got them all right except gray and orange. That's 80% proficiency in 2 days. Not bad.


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