Sunday, September 13, 2009

Before Week 3

What a weekend! We did go to the school playground like Terra asked, as her reward from another all-green-smiley week last week. While we were there, she overcame her fear of going down the Fireman's Pole. Today (Sunday) she spent the better part of the day playing with the children who were attending our next door neighbor's 10th birthday party. She's always been VERY social, and has always played well with others, been kind hearted and easy to get along with, etc... but her interactions with other kids seem so much more mature since she started school. It's adorable. Seriously, watching her try to teach another little boy (one who was obviously older than she is) to ride her (too small for him) bright pink two-wheeler was too cute. She is so much more... fearless, less shy, more outgoing...

My baby, after just 7 full days in school, has grown up so much.

So this evening after the party we had dinner and a good scrubbing bubble bath, and worked a little to let her get familiar with the new poem "Crayons."


I had a box of crayons
all shiny, straight, and new.
I gave a friend one crayon -
oops- it broke in two!
My friend said she was sorry.
But I said, "I don't care,
'cause now we both can color
with one crayon. We can share."

The sentence structure is a little odd in line 7, so she tries to change it to "we can both color" but other than that, she's got it mostly down pat already. Her memory amazes me - she's like a sponge!

The Moodle hasn't been updated with her new Dolche Words yet, or her new class work, so we'll work on those after the site is updated.


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