Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday Nov 4

Today we got to RSVP to her first official classmate birthday party. Fun! It's for a boy in her class who loves Transformers. Can't really afford to buy someone elses kid a gift, but we will anyway. We haven't lived up to our end of the "5 green smilies = a Saturday special outing" deal lately. I'll just find a good deal on something Transformers...

She of course got a green smiley today, or we wouldn't even have considered RSVPing that we'd be there lol.

Apparently they tested the class on their sight words today, Terra knew 28 of 32 on sight. The ones she didn't know surprised me. She already knows this week's words, but not my, do, the, and like.  She needs to be practicing her sight words daily, but with me working six nights a week, it isn't really happening. That makes me sad - I don't (really really don't) want my job to have a negative influence on her school performance!


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