Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday and Tuesday

Monday and Tuesday - the first of each in November. A new week means new sight words, and a new poem:

In November's gusty gale
I will flop my flippy tale
and spout hot soup - I'll be a whale.
Spouting once
spouting twice
spouting chicken soup with rice.

Awesome, more chicken soup... maybe it'll help with all the sickies! 

Her new sight words are: fun, play, & my.

As of now, 1:34am Wednesday morning, we haven't even made new flash cards for them. I've GOT to get my stuff together with this whole working thing. I feel so out of touch all of a sudden!

Another thing that arrived in her spiffy pink backpack today - confirmation that I have been approved to volunteer at the school! Woo Hoo! Now, the trick will be to figure out how I'm going to manage to actually volunteer when I already can't manage this working thing!

Terra also got to attend her previously rained out field trip to Riverbend Farms. That's the local pumpkin patch, petting zoo, etc. The teachers took nearly 100 pics! I'm only sharing a couple though because most of them are group shots and I try not to take the liberty of posting pictures of other people's children on the internet. However, from the ones I'm posting, you'll see that they magically taught her to feed the animals, plow, and DRIVE! Man, and I can't get her to clean her own room!


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