Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday & Friday (11/6 & 11/7)

Yesterday (Thursday) Terra came home with a math workbook to use at home to practice her math. We're having to limit how many pages she does each night. I feel badly, I shouldn't be limiting her. I feel like she should be able to learn at HER pace, in step with her level of motivation, curiosity, and energy. And yet I know that Public School doesn't work that way, and fear letting her get too far ahead of the rest of the class's level. I am encouraging her to be mediocre? I don't want her to be average if she can (and she can, it's obvious) be so much more than average. Even the high end of average sucks, if she could has the ability to excel beyond that. I'm not sure what to do, how to handle this.  I do NOT want to hold her back in any way.

And yet, I can't let her get too far ahead because she'll then be bored and unchallenged, which I know from experience leads to trouble. I know I am not equipped to home school her, tried that last year. She craves the social interaction she gets at school, she loves the group activities, and having other kids to work with is such a huge plus...

You'd think I'd know by now that parenting is complicated, but I'm at a total loss here.


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